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08-31-2017, 02:06 AM
Why discuss Vape Cloud Contest?
There were more and more vape users try to join cloud contest.(Related Post: Why You Should Learn Some Vape Tricks?)
Some of them are young, and don’t have any knowledge about vape cloud contest.
So Wellon Vape experts want to more and more guys can know this.
Go deep to read why you should Avoid Any Vape Cloud Contest.
Wellon Vape Experts Suggest Avoid Any Cloud Contest
Is the vaporizer 100% health?
The answer is NO.
None of electronic cigarette manufacture announce they can provide 100% health Vapes.
(Related Post: Top 4 Factors of Best Vape Pen)
The more vapor you inhale, the more risk you’re exposing yourself to.
It’s important to stress that vaping – even heavy vaping – is still vastly safer than smoking.
If you get through a lot of e-juice every day, even PG is apotential cause for concern.
And that’s before we even consider by-products and contaminants.
So along with aiming for fewer puffs per day, reducing the amount of vapor you inhale with each puff is another way to keep vaping as safe as possible.
Wisps are safer than clouds (though admittedly less fun).
Why You Should not try to join cloud contest?
Most of the Vape cloud contest tries to inhale as much vapor as you can.
And attempt some advanced Vape tricks.(Related Post: Vape Beginner’s Trick: Ghost Inhale)
None of that changes the fact that inhaling more vapor is more risky than inhaling less vapor.
If it helps you avoid cigarettes, you should vape in whatever way works for you.
Even if you follow none of the advice in this post, vaping is still going to be much safer than smoking.
So, Wellon Vape Experts Suggest Avoid Any Cloud Contest.

10-23-2020, 04:35 AM
It reduces the risks of heart diseases and cancer development. Indeed, the majority of the Mediterranean region population is less inclined to obesity and other types of diseases. This type of diet also reduces the risks of Alzheimer’s. There is a recommendation on how to reduce the risks of heart diseases, that is closely connected with a Mediterranean diet https://hellomaterialsblog.com/a-mediterranean-diet-is-a-similar-way-to-a-keto-diet-to-improve-health/

11-22-2020, 06:22 AM
What about odorless dry herb vaporizer (https://gypsyvapes.com/gv-lit-vaporizer) like GV Lit? It produces very few smokes, and was designed especially for vaping ecological dry herbs (even weed huh).

06-29-2021, 10:39 AM
Well, e juices can be dangerous, but if you try making some at home with precautions and right ingredients, then the ejuice can be less harmful. The cloud contest means that you need to inhale a lot of vapour and it can be really very harmful for the lungs, but the contest guys can make it less harmful by allowing people to use the best vape devices and e juices only. No bad stuff. However, it can be a headache because it needs proper planning and execution. Vapers may be stubborn at times and hard to stop once they start making clouds and showing tricks, it is not easy to stop them.