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View Full Version : Vaping won't stain teeth unlike cigarettes, new study suggests

03-27-2018, 05:18 AM
Cigarette smokers often suffer from stained teeth. But this dilemma may not apply to persons that use vape cigarettes according to a new study!

On Saturday, a newly published study suggested vaping doesn't stain teeth. Scientists from the British American Tobacco (BAT) conducted a study that examined teeth exposed to cigarette smoke and teeth subjected to vaping over a two-week period. The results were presented at the American Association for Dental Research's annual conference.

News source: UK.NEWS.YAHOO.COM (https://www.anrdoezrs.net/links/8060832/type/am/https://uk.news.yahoo.com/vaping-won-apos-t-stain-125002241.html)


05-09-2018, 06:47 AM
this is interessting:-)

06-26-2019, 05:13 AM
Thank you for sharing)

10-24-2020, 05:43 AM
Just buy this https://bleach-infiniter.com/. And it's irrelevant how much you'd smoke. Teeth will always be white.

01-12-2021, 06:33 PM
I actually realized this myself as since I've given up smoking my teeth are doing so much better. I tried giving up smoking a few times before, but nothing stuck cause as soon as I made a mistake I would allow myself to drift back into it. All of this time alone in the house let me realize that it's a hard journey and that I can make mistakes, the important part is to stick to the plan. I switched to vaping thanks to an article on how to stop smoking (https://vapemall.pk/pages/how-to-quit-smoking) and I think that's what helped me the most through all of this, cause it was a tactic that I haven't tried before. I'm super proud od myself and how far I came.

Mike Brown
02-22-2021, 12:59 PM
Yes, that's true. I've tried it myself. I was a smoker back then and had some problems with my teeth. It gt better when I switched to vaping. But you should use quality e-liquids. I buy my stuff from this vape shop (https://vapejuicedepot.com/). I don't know guys, I like my stuff to be good. Any other suggestions btw?

03-29-2021, 09:01 PM
This is great news! I have not been able to quit smoking cigarettes for a long time, and I am trying to switch to vape, after this news I have another incentive to quit cigarettes.

03-29-2021, 09:07 PM
Why didn't anyone tell me this before? I would immediately quit smoking cigarettes and switch to vape. I suffered for a long time because of the color of my teeth and did not even suspect that cigarettes have such an effect. I am lucky that good specialists from jeffreygrossdds.com (https://jeffreygrossdds.com/) took care of my teeth. They said that cigarettes hurt my enamel, but I didn't think it was that bad. I've been trying not to smoke for a while, and it's really hard for me. Now I can smoke vape and still have white teeth.