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View Full Version : Sorry to all for being away

12-31-2013, 03:10 AM
Hello All, Sorry for being away for the last few weeks. I have been on vacation with my family with no access to the forum, I have my passwords stored on an external hard drive and I couldn't remember the password to my email address to reset the password to this forum so that I could access the forum. I should have left someone in charge of modding the forum. Sorry to all and hope everyone is having a great holiday season.

Happy new year to all.

12-31-2013, 05:12 AM
Meh we've just been chillin' while you were away - Congrats on the baby :D

12-31-2013, 03:09 PM
Happy new years, everyone!! And it's all good - That's what vacations are about!!! :) Hope you had a great time.

01-02-2014, 03:06 AM
Meh we've just been chillin' while you were away - Congrats on the baby :D

Glad to hear:D Thank you Warlordxxx:Thumbs-Up I'm super excited, the baby boy will be here in 10 week. I've been doing so much around the house getting ready for my baby boy.

01-02-2014, 03:11 AM
Happy new years, everyone!! And it's all good - That's what vacations are about!!! :) Hope you had a great time.

Happy new years. Yeah being off was great, spent time with my family, had a whole lot of drinks and vaped a lot. I took some juice with me from volcano that I bought at one of there kiosk when I was in Hawaii a few months back and it was pretty good. I just need to find out what flavoring volcano used for that juice so that I can make my own.

01-03-2014, 12:46 AM
Happy New Year Frank! Hope you had a nice relaxing vacation! Can I go to Hawaii with you next time? :p

11-05-2020, 12:22 AM
In the middle of the week, try to arrange 1-2 fasting days to allow yourself more time on trips and at parties. They usually happen closer to the weekend (not everyone has a vacation at the same time), so you should unload at the beginning or middle of the week - https://hellomaterialsblog.com/how-to-keep-fit-during-your-vacation/