View Full Version : Vaporesso Gen vs Gen Nano vs Gen S Box Kit

06-15-2020, 08:37 AM
Hi folks, how you doing? Today let's take look at Vaporesso Gen series!


Actually we had a comprehensive review about Vaporeeso Gen Nano kit before, actually it is kind of a smaller version of Gen kit, like SMOK RPM Lite to RPM40. For more details about Vaporeeso Gen Nano vs Vaporesso Gen, you can refer to our previous review Vaporesso Gen Nano vs Gen Kit ('https://www.elegomall.com/blogs/view/vaporesso-gen-nano-review.html?utm_source=forum&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=forum-0615').

And for the latest Vaporesso Gen S kit, it is actually pretty similar to Gen kit, yes, even the price, but I still love the new colors and latest NRG-S tank from Gen S kit, and the coils from it are more advanced and can provide true punch of flavors.


Learn more at below:
Vaporesso Gen ('https://www.elegomall.com/product/vaporesso-gen-220w-kit-with-skrr-s-tank-8ml.html?utm_source=forum&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=forum-0615')
Vaporesso Gen S ('https://www.elegomall.com/vaporesso-gen-s-220w-box-kit-8ml.html?utm_source=forum&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=forum-0615')
Vaporesso Gen Nano ('https://www.elegomall.com/vaporesso-gen-nano-box-kit-2000mah.html?utm_source=forum&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=forum-0615')

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